The Technical Center

Textile Resource for Specialty Fabrics and Product Innovation
   February 7, 2025  Facebook Twitter

Textile Trends

runner imageCurrent trends in technical sports textiles include fabrics and apparel that provide comfort, manage moisture, and are lightweight and flexible.  But, more is being expected of fabrics.  Antimicrobial technology continues it's strong growth toward becoming an "expected" performance characteristic.  Stain resistance/repellency is also gaining in popularity in some categories.  Other value-added properties such as UV protection Environmentally sensitive fibers and fabrics also continue strong, with the use of more natural fibers and fiber blends, including bamboo, as well as driving the development of plant-based polyermers such as Ingeo®, Dupont's Sorona®, and fibers made from soy.

Technologies allow fabrics to thermoregulate, such as Akwatek/Akwadyne and Outlast, control the atmosphere next to the skin,  controlling temperature and comfort.

Fashion, style, shilouettes and color elements continue to create interest with consumers.   The hand, or feel, of fabrics is toward soft and comfortable.  Fabrics with stretch provide both comfort and look.  Compression fabrics remain popular as a performance enhancement.  The development of advanced fibers, such as Holofiber, have also shown a positive effect on the recovery of the body from exertion, improving  circulation  and oxygenation of the skin. 

Advances in construction include seamless knitting and welded & glued seams, which reduce a garment's weight, provide added protection from wind and rain, and enhance comfort.  Advancements in fabric  construction include developments of a "new" fleece product such as those produced by Concept III International.

Important Qualities/Products for Today's Technical Sports Textiles:

Moisture Management
  • Dri-release®
  • Innova®
  • Sorbtek®
  • Innova®
  • Akwatek®/Akwadyne®


  • Aegis Microbe Shield®
  • Visa Endurance®
  • AMY®
  • MicroSpike™
  • Innova AMP®

Water/Stain Resistant Fabric

  • StainSmart®
  • WR100X™
  • Parados™


  • Akwatek®/Akwadyne®
  • Outlast®
  • X-Static®

Odor Control

  • VisaEndurance®
  • BodyCare®
  • Dri-release®


  • Reflexx®
  • Comfortrel XP®
  • Sensura®


UV Protection

  • MynxUV®


  • Body Care®
  • Antex Knitting Mills - Green Line™ Fabrics

Welded Seams

  • Sewfree®

Return to Future of Fabrics Textile Trends

Rentex Mills
Connects Form with Function
Stain & Soil Protection
MMI Textiles

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