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   September 18, 2024  Facebook Twitter

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Berwick Offray Polypropylen Ribbons & Bows - Berwick Offray's Polypropylene Ribbons and bows include polypropylene curling ribbons, manufactured by Berwick Offray. The ribbons are offered in a wide variety of colors, prints, holographic designs, and sparkalene varieties to fit a variety of needs.
  Berwick Offray Woven Ribbon - Berwick Offray's Woven Ribbon Group, developed by Berwick Offray, includes chevron patterns, grosgrains, double-faced satins, Simply Sheer Asiana, burlaps and bakers twine.
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eVent Bio
eVent Waterproof
Rentex Mills
Connects Form with Function
MMI Textiles
The Wool Bar
Wool Bar by Draper Knitting